German or Dutch MotoGP 2022?
If dates are the same or similar weekends to this year (2021) the German GP at the Sachsenring will be June 19th and the Dutch TT at Assen will be June 26th. The downside is that this might clash with Neill going on his longer trip around Europe.
From Calais' Shuttle terminal, where we always plan routes from, Sachsening ring is 602 miles and Assen is 306 miles. The former would need an overnight stop en-route and the latter is an easy ride up in one hit.
At the moment I am drawn towards the Assen trip as it's not that far and requires two night less in hotels. I have had a quick look at places to stay on, but as it is 13 months away, there are few hotels/B&B showing up and those that are are looking at millionaires only wanting to stay with them.
I have one in a village called Elp and have reserved a room for two on that weekend on the usual basis of free cancellation and no prepayment.
More on this subject later.
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